
Dear Esteemed Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our distinct pleasure to extend a warm welcome to the 3rd Annual Conference of the Madhya Endocrine Society (MESCON 2025), the MP chapter of the Endocrine Society of India. The conference will be held on 1st and 2nd February 2025 at Pasricha Banquets and Lawns, Tilhari, Jabalpur.
The organizing committee is excited to bring together leading experts, researchers, and practitioners in the field of endocrinology (diabetes, thyroid, obesity and other hormonal disorders) to exchange knowledge and share research leading to improvements in current practices, and future trends, particularly in relation to artificial intelligence and clinical practice.
The conference will feature a diverse program featuring plenary lectures and sessions, interactive workshops, research presentations and poster sessions, covering a wide spectrum of topics related to endocrine research, clinical care, and public health.We look forward to your active involvement and contribution to making MESCON 2025 a resounding success.
We eagerly await your presence at Pasricha Banquets and Lawns, Jabalpur, where we aspire to come together to learn and enrich ourselves with knowledge in the ultimate quest of the betterment of our patients.


Vrind K. Bhardwaj

Prof. Dr. Vrind K. Bhardwaj

Org. Chairman

Vikram Singh Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Singh Chauhan

Org. Secretary

Arpita Soni

Dr. Arpana Soni

Org. Joint Secretary

1st February 2025 (DAY 1)

08:00 – 10:00 AM Registration & Breakfast
09:00 – 11:00 AM Poster Presentation (Simultaneously) by Post Doctor & Doctoral Students
10:00 – 10:10 AM Inauguration of scientific session (Saraswati Vandana)
Clinical Endocrinology
10:10 – 10:30 AM Endocrine Hypertension Evaluation & Management Prof. Dr. Sunil Ambulkar
10:30 – 10:50 AM Approach and Management of Hypercalcemia Dr. Sunil M. Jain
10:50 – 11:10 AM Diabetic Foot: Evaluation and Medical Management Dr. Subodh Banzal
11:10 – 11:30 AM Surgical Care of Diabetic Foot Dr. Pawan Agrawal
Symposium on CKM Health
11:30 - 11:50 AM LDL-C Goals: Theoretical Illusion or Clinical Reality Dr. Ankit Agarwal
11:50 - 12:10 PM Optimizing Challenges to Drug Therapy on HFrEF Prof. Dr. R.S. Sharma
12:10 - 12:30 PM Redefining T2DM Management Paradigm with Innovative Combination Injectable iGlarLixi Prof. Dr. V.K. Bhardwaj
12:30 - 12:50 PM Exploring the Impact of Oral Semaglutide in Tackling Type 2 Diabetes & Complications Dr. Vikram Singh Chauhan
12:45 - 01:00 PM Q & A & summary Moderator: Prof. Dr. Subodh Banzal
Session on Adrenal Gland
01:00 – 01:20 PM Evaluation Of Suspected Cushings disease Dr. Rajesh Verma
01:20 – 01:40 PM Pheochromocytoma Management Dr. Sanjay Yadav
Endocrine Research
01:40 – 02:00 PM Sarcopenia: An Endocrine Perspective Dr. (Lt. Gen.) Narendra Kotwal
02:00 – 02:30 PM Lunch
02:30 – 02:55 PM Debate: Myoinositol is a useful agent in PCOS Moderator: Dr. Sandeep Jain
For: Dr. Alpesh Goyal
Against: Dr. Apoorva Suran
Bone Health Symposium
02:55 – 03:05 PM Pathophysiology of Osteoporosis Dr. Abhyudaya Verma
03:05 – 03:15 PM Evaluation of Osteoporosis Dr. Ajay Gupta
03:15 – 03:25 PM Management of Osteoporosis Dr. Beena Bansal
03:25 – 03:45 PM Osteoporosis Panel Discussion Moderator: Dr. Abhyudaya Verma
Diabetes Management Clinical Pearls
03:45 – 04:05 PM Diabetes in Young: Evaluation and Management Prof. Dr. S. K. Singh
04:05 – 04:25 PM Psychiatry and Endocrinology Cross Connect Dr. Sachin Chittawar
04:25 – 04:45 PM Imeglimin: New Kid on the Block Dr. Arpana Soni
Insulin Workshop
04:45 – 05:00 PM 100 Years after Insulin Discovery Dr. Vikram Singh Chauhan
05:00 - 05:15 PM Redefining Glycemic Control with Gen 2.0 Basal Insulin Prof. Dr. Subodh Banzal
05:15 - 05:30 PM Patient-Centric Approach to Glycemic Control with Basal Insulin Dr. Mayur Agarwal
05:30 - 05:45 PM Simplifying Basal Insulin using Case Nuggets: Role of Flexible Insulin Dr. Sachin Chittawar
05:45 - 06:00 PM Navigating Diabetes Care: Case-Based Insights on IDegAsp Dr. Jaideep Khare
06:00 – 06:15 PM Q&A and Summary Moderator: Dr. Apoorva Suran
Conference Inauguration & Banquet
07:30 – 08:00 PM Conference Inauguration
Chief Guest: Prof. Dr. Navneet Saxena (Dean - NSCB, MCH, Jabalpur)
Guest of Honor: Dr. Sanjay Mishra (CMHO, MPDHS, Jabalpur)
Special Invites: Dr. M.C. Dawar (Padmashree),
Dr. Arvind Sharma (Superintendent, NSCB, MCH, Jabalpur),
Dr. Naveen Kothari (Civil Surgeon, Jabalpur)
Master of Ceremony:
Dr. Vishal Kastwar
Dr. Priyanka Kukrele
Dr. Rajesh Kevat
08:30 PM Onwards Banquet

2nd February 2025 (DAY 2)

09:00 - 10:00 AM Free Papers Presented by Post Doctoral & Doctoral Students
Pediatrics Symposium
10:30 - 10:45 AM Evaluation and Management of Delayed Puberty in Girls Dr. Satyam Jayant
10:45 - 11:00 AM Evaluation of a Case of Short Stature Dr. Shailesh Bansiwal
11:00 – 11:15 AM Growth Promoting Modalities for Syndromic Short Stature Dr. Pankaj Jain
11:15 – 11:35 AM Q & A and Summary Moderator: Dr. Rajesh Verma
Emerging Research in Psycho - Neuroendocrinology
11:35 – 11:55 AM Approach to Male Sexual Dysfunction Dr. Manuj Sharma
Symposium on Female Health & Endocrinology
11:55 – 12:15 PM Evaluation and Treatment of Hirsutism Dr. Kalpana Dash
12:15 – 12:35 PM Thyrotoxicosis in Pregnancy Dr. Biplab Bandyopadhyay
12:35 – 12:55 PM Insulin Use in Pregnancy Prof. Dr. Sushil Jindal
12:55 – 01:15 PM Controversies in HRT in Post Menopausal Women Dr. (Col.) KVS Hari Kumar
01:15 – 01:35 PM Q & A and Summary Moderator: Prof. Dr. Sushil Jindal
Glucose Metabolism
01:35 – 01:55 PM Hypoglycemia in non-diabetic population: case-based approach Dr. Sanjeet Jaiswal
02:00 – 02:20 PM Vote of Thanks
02:20 PM Onwards Lunch




1 to 2 February, 2025

Pasricha Banquets and Lawns, Tilhari, Jabalpur
